SWM 04 - Testimony
The Soul Winner’s Manual
The Messenger’s Testimony
The Bible says to BE CAREFUL to maintain good works. You can be sure that Satan will "pull every trick" to get you to ruin your testimony.
Titus 3:8, "This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men".
Many times when a Christian is sound doctrinally and determined to witness, Satan will "sneak around the back door" and ruin that Christian's testimony because he wasn't CAREFUL. Scripture says,
I Pet. 5:8, "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may DEVOUR".
Eph. 6:11, You will have to "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil".
We should do what is proper in every situation because people will use our poor testimony to criticize Christian work. If people find that you lie, cheat, steal, speak in an uncouth manner, gossip, are inconsiderate of others, etc., you will not be liked, and you will do GREAT HARM to your ministry. People will look at your life and say, "If that is an example of Christianity, then I don't want it." This is so important! God warns us, II Cor. 6:3, "Giving no offense in any thing, that the MINISTRY be not blamed!"
Some things might be perfectly harmless for you to do, except that some Christians would consider it a poor testimony for one reason or another. You should consider if this is something you should abstain from.
I Thess. 5:22, The Lord cautions us to "Abstain from all appearance of evil".
I Cor. 8:8, Paul knew the meat was neither blessed nor cursed by the idol. But there were Christians who thought Paul should not eat that meat.
Rom. 14:21, He said, "It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak" Could Paul have eaten meat? Yes. Did he? No.
I Cor. 8:13, "Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend". In Christian work you should not purposefully offend people . . . and neither can you let yourself be offended. If you allow people to hurt your feelings, you will not be able to have the ministry with them in their lives that you need to have.
Paul disciplined his own life in order to serve and help others.
The Soul Winner’s Manual
The Messenger’s Testimony
As a soul-winner, you will probably "give up" things that the average Christian wouldn't even question-not because you have to-but because you wouldn't want anything in your life to keep people from trusting Christ as their Saviour.
It is not a question of "Can you do this or that and still be saved?" Nothing can affect your eternal life.
I Cor. 6:12, "All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any".
Rom. 6:15,16, Paul kept himself from becoming enslaved by sin in his daily life so he could be more greatly used for the Lord.
Gal. 5:13, "For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another".
To be a fruitful witness for the Lord you must voluntarily discipline your life.
If you tell people about Christ and don't honor Christ in your life, people won't respect you and will not listen when you witness.
However, don't go to the opposite extreme either. Some Christians get so introspective that they spend all their time trying to be "holy," spend hours in "prayer and meditation," but neglect to tell the lost about Christ. They live "good lives" before others, but no one ever hears the gospel from their lips.
If you live a good life but don't witness, you will get all the glory instead of Christ, to whom all glory belongs (I Cor. 1:31 ).
You will be labeled a "fanatic" if you witness without a life to back it up.
A good testimony and a good witness go hand-in-hand. You must have both really to glorify the Lord. They are not in competition.
John 8:44 says Satan is a liar and the father of lies.
Satan tries to get the lost to live good lives, deceiving them that this would help them get to heaven.
Satan tries to keep the saved from living good lives, because he knows that this will keep the lost from accepting the gospel.
I Thessalonians, chapter two, mentions many qualities Paul had as a soul winner. (1) was bold in his witness, (2) used no deceit or trickery, (3) fulfilled his trust and pleased God, (4) was honest, (5) didn't seek the praise of men, (6) was gentle, (6) had great love and concern, (6) labored diligently, (9) carried a good testimony, and (10) taught them to live for the Lord.
The Soul Winner’s Manual
The Messenger’s Testimony
If you want to be a great soul winner, you must be a great servant.
Mark 10:43, ". . . whosoever will be great among you, shall be your MINISTER".
I Cor. 9:1 and 19, The Apostle Paul is a wonderful example of a really dedicated Christian. Listen to his own words in. "Am I not an apostle? Am I not free? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? Are not ye my work in the Lord? For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more."
If you want to be a great soul-winner, you must make great sacrifices.
Acts 20:20, 21, 31, Do you realize the extent of the dedication of the Apostle Paul? Yes, he witnessed night and day for three years straight, publicly and privately. But what was he willing to give up to lead a soul to Christ? Money? Position? Spare time? Sports? Home? Health? Life itself?
I Thess. 2:8, Did you know that he was willing to have given his OWN SOUL that others could be saved? tells us, "So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also OUR OWN SOULS, because ye were dear unto us."
Romans 9:3, Paul cared so much for souls that he was willing, if it were possible even to go to hell himself, if that would help his fellow Jews to be saved.
Hebrews 12:1, says to "lay aside every weight." Some things aren't even a poor testimony in themselves, but they "bog" you down, they are "weights," they take up valuable time which you should be using for the Lord.
II Tim. 2:4, "No man that warreth entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier". Your life can become filled with so many "good" things of this life that you haven't the time to do much for Christ.
If you want to be a great soul-winner, you must live by schedule.
No one can tell you how to run your life . . . what to include in your schedule, and what to leave out. You could probably rationalize and excuse any activity which you really wanted to do. But between you and the Lord you must decide what is best for your service to Him. Your time is your life. You do not know how much you have. How you spend your time each day will determine the total worth of your life. If your life is made up largely of sports, money, pleasure, television, clubs, etc., then your life will come and go-and not much will be accomplished for Christ in it.
The Soul Winner’s Manual
The Messenger’s Testimony
Text: Phil. 1:21 Can you say, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain"? If your time is spent for Christ, dying truly will be gain for you, for you will have much reward in heaven. Paul said that for him to live was "Christ." He spent his time on things that were valuable to Christ. How do you spend your time?
The Value of the Scriptures
Psalm 138:2, God exalts His Word even above His own Name. With such high recommendation from God Himself, we certainly should know the Bible WELL, for our own personal comfort and exhortation and to bring the gospel message to the lost.
II Tim. 3:15, ". . . the holy Scriptures . . . are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
Rom. 10:17, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
The Vision from the Scriptures (Desire is Vision)
Proverbs 29:18, Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
II Tim. 2:15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth". You must envision God using you.
I Peter 2:2, "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may GROW thereby". You must desire a vision of growth. Yes, it is possible to win souls with very little knowledge of Scripture. A baby is not expected to have the knowledge of a college graduate. But when a baby remains infantile all his life, it is certainly a great tragedy.
I Pet. 3:15, God says, Those who desire to be FRUITFUL soul-winners should be "ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh (him) a reason of the hope that is in (him) . . .".
The Victory through the Scriptures
Rom. 1:15, Paul said he was ". . . READY to preach the gospel . . .". The key to victory is being prepared. To preach the gospel in such a way that will answer people's questions will require that you spend time MEMORIZING Scriptures and studying thoroughly the passages which answer people's questions.
Hebrews 4:12, GOD'S WORD IS POWER! Knowledge of God's Word is your greatest "weapon" in witnessing. "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, ….”
The Soul Winner’s Manual
The Messenger’s Testimony
A Christian Soldier MUST use his greatest weapon; the Sword
Psalm 119:130, The lost will never see salvation without the Word of God. It is the entrance of God's Word that gives light to the lost.
Hebrews 4:12, Knowledge of God's Word is your greatest "weapon" in witnessing. "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, ….”. When you are talk to someone who says he doesn't believe the Bible, don't stop using it. A soldier doesn't throw down his sword just because the opposition doesn't think it will work. GOD'S WORD IS POWER!
A Christian Soldier MUST NOT chase rabbits
There are times when a person may need a lengthy explanation, and you will need more than a verse of Scripture to adequately answer his question. Don't embark upon a philosophical discussion of no profit to the man's salvation. Don’t chase a question that leads to a question, that leads to another.
I Cor. 2:4,5, The Apostle Paul was highly educated by the finest instructors of his day, and yet he said, "My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of MAN'S wisdom, … that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of GOD".
II Cor. 11:3, Paul was concerned that his children in the faith might not always keep their message simple, and warned them of Satan's tactics, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his SUBTILTY, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ".
Satan won't say to you, "Hello, this is Satan, please complicate the gospel by using technical words, or having a philosophical discussion, or by adding man's good works for salvation." NOT AT ALL! Satan comes in with a sweet, quiet voice and might say, "Look, this person is a very moral, intelligent, up-to-date citizen. If you start talking to him about the Bible, sin, Jesus' blood, and having faith, etc., he will think you are absolutely NUTS.”
A Christian Soldier MUST possess Divine wisdom.
Col. 2:8, Paul also said, "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, … ".
That the GOSPEL is the power God uses to save people.
You should adapt your illustrations and examples to interest the person.
You should witness with his background in mind.
People are usually interested in what has happened to someone else. This does not mean a compromise on DOCTRINE, but it allows empathy to be established, which is very helpful in witnessing.
The Soul Winner’s Manual
The Messenger’s Testimony
How To Study Your Bible
If at all possible, it is wise to set aside a special time for your Bible study and not to let Satan sidetrack you to do something else during that time. You will never "find" time to study, pray, or witness. You must "make" time. People usually manage to have time for whatever is really important to them. To study your Bible is important to you as a soul-winner for many reasons:
It is God's command to you (II Tim. 2:15).
God's Word brings faith (Rom. 10:17).
You will use the Word to edify, exhort, guide, & comfort (II Tim. 4:2).
The Bible is your guidebook for every situation of life (Matt. 4:4).
The Bible is your defensive weapon against Satan. (Eph. 6:17).
Below are some hints toward successful Bible study.
Read with the INTENTION OF REMEMBERING what you read.
GO OVER what you have read until it is clear in your mind.
MAKE NOTES on the things that impress you as you read.
COMPARE SCRIPTURE WITH SCRIPTURE to understand the passage in its proper relationship with the rest of the Word of God.
ANALYZE the verse:
Who wrote it?
To whom was it written?
What general topic is being discussed? (Consider the context.)
What does it NOT say?
What things COULD it mean?
Compare it with other Scripture.
Additional considerations:
LOOK UP WORDS which are unclear to you in a concordance. A good one is Strong's Concordance; it is the work of over one hundred scholars.
STUDY the passage with GOOD COMMENTARIES. Some: DeHann, Ironside, G. Campbell Morgan, Jamison-Fausett-Brown, or Matthew Henry
Discuss the passage with another Christian and get his viewpoint of the Scripture.
KEEP A NOTEBOOK. When you are satisfied with a particular explanation, write down your conclusion and file it.
REFERENCE YOUR BIBLE. When a verse stands out in your mind as the key verse on a given subject, use that verse as a place to list the references of other verses on that subject in the margin right beside it.
The Soul Winner’s Manual
The Messenger’s Testimony
Your Love
God did not choose to make us puppets that would act as He manipulated the strings. Love must be voluntary, or it isn't really love at all. God created us with an enormous capacity and craving for love. No human being can completely fill the need of another for this love.
Romans 1:1, Paul says he is a "servant" of Jesus Christ. The Greek word for servant is "doulos" and means "slave."
Paul served the Lord with a voluntary love. A person in love feels compelled to please the one he loves and yet is not forced.
When you are in love, you desire only voluntary expressions of it. Force would take away any meaning it might otherwise have had.
John 3:16, Tells of God's great love, It does something to me when I realize that the God who made everything in the entire universe actually loves me. His love that it has changed my whole life.
It is not always easy to analyze why we love someone, but when it comes to our love for the Lord, We love Him, because he first loved us. I John 4:19.
Galatians 5:22, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace...” Many Christians express a desire to feel closer to the Lord. Reading His Word will help greatly, but one sure way is actually working "hand in hand" with the Lord will produce a great bond of sweet and conscious fellowship that is very satisfying. "The result of letting your life be controlled by the Spirit, obeying God's leading, really brings love into your life; love for the Lord, love for the lost, and love for Christians.
Because we are saved as a gift of God's grace, we feel such an overwhelming debt of gratitude to the Lord that just anything we can do for Him is a real pleasure. How could we possibly begin to repay God for what He has done for us?
Luke 7:47, Christ explains that one who has been forgiven of much sin will certainly love God much; haven't we, therefore, much capacity to love Him?
Stop and think . . .
God saved you by His grace,
God keeps you saved by His grace,
God leads and guides you by His grace,
God enables you to serve Him by His grace,
God rewards you with love, joy, and peace for serving Him by His grace,
God rewards you in heaven for serving Him on earth . SUCH GRACE!
Psa. 116:12, Surely, God is good, and with the Psalmist we must say, "What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me?"