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The important thing to REMEMBER is NOT what WORDS has COME to mean down through the centuries since Christ’s time, but rather -and this is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE -what the word did mean WHEN IT WAS SPOKEN by Christ, Paul, Peter, John, and others in Biblical times. Satan will use the same words but uses a different dictionary.

It is also important to remember that the enemy uses the vocabulary; however, uses a different dictionary.

  1. Abhor: to hate.

  2. Abolished: to annul or destroy.

  3. Admonish: to caution or advise.

  4. Admonition: instruction in duty; to council against fault.

  5. Advocate: one who defends another, usually in a courtroom.

  6. Angelology: the doctrine of angels.

  7. Anthropology: the doctrine of man.

  8. Apostasy: turning away from sound doctrine or biblical truths.

  9. Apostate: to depart from the faith.

  10. Apostles: specific leaders with ultimate human authority in the early church who served under Christ's Headship.

  11. Atonement: reconciliation; received in satisfaction for an offense.

  12. Begot: procreated (to produce); generated; to become the father of; born again.

  13. Begotten: one of a kind. (John 3:16)

  14. Beguile: to elude; to deceive with craftiness.

  15. Believes: personal trust, reliance or confidence in some object of faith.

  16. Bellows: out cry or roar. (Jeremiah 6:29)

  17. Beloved: a special object of God's love.

  18. Beseech: to beg; to implore with urgency. (Romans 12:1)

  19. Besought: to petition; to entreat; to request.

  20. Blessed: extolled (to praise, magnify).

  21. Blessed Hope: the blessed anticipation of Christ's future coming for church age believers at the Rapture. (Titus 2:13)

  22. Blood of Christ: Christ's violent, sacrificial death upon the Cross when He died to save us.

  23. Bodily Transformation: the instantaneous process in which the believer's physical body will become like Christ's resurrected body in a glorified state.

  24. Born Again: a spiritual birth from God that happens only once, the moment a sinner places his trust in Christ alone.

  25. Brethren: in the place of brothers in the scriptures. Brethren are persons of the same professions or the same faith; they are children of the same family -the family of God.

  26. Bulwark: a fortification; that secures against an enemy.

  27. Called: invited or summoned.

  28. Carnality: the state in which the believer is living under the dominating control of the sin nature or flesh.

  29. Chosen: God has personally chosen and designed a special plan for you.

  30. Christology: the doctrine of Christ.

  31. Church: The collective body of Christians, or of those who profess to believe in Christ alone for salvation, and acknowledge him to be the Savior of mankind. The Spirit of God baptized each believer into the Body of Christ (Church) forever.

  32. Comfort: relief from pain or distress.

  33. Conceit: imagined

  34. Condition: a person's spiritual state in time.

  35. Confess: acknowledge

  36. Confession of sin: the believer's honest admission to God of his sins in order to be restored to fellowship with God.

  37. Consecrate: declare to be sacred.

  38. Consolation: to comfort.

  39. Consubstantial: having the same substance or essence; co-essential. The Son to be consubstantial with the Father.

  40. Contempt: despise

  41. Contentious: to be angry; to debate.

  42. Convocation: assembly by summons.

  43. Created: made out of nothing.

  44. Crowns: the analogy is taken from athletic contests in which the victor receives a reward for finishing the race or winning the fight.

  45. Debauchery: excessive or indulgence in lust.

  46. Defile: to make unclean, foul, or dirty

    1. Matthew 15:11-20

  47. Delusion: mislead the mind.

  48. Diligent: steady

  49. Discern: to notice a difference between (good/evil and true/false), make a distinction

  50. Discourse: sermon.

  51. Dismayed: to be stressed; to be anxious.

  52. Dispensations: successive divine economies during human history in which individuals are tested by God concerning their faith and faithfulness to the divine revelation they have received. (not different ways of salvation).

  53. Disquieted: disturbed

  54. Divers: different

  55. Divine Viewpoint: a perspective that is shaped by the norms, standards, and principles of God's word.

  56. Ecclesiology: the doctrine of the church.

  57. Ecumenic: universal.

  58. Edify: to instruct; to improve

  59. Efficacious: producing the effect intended; having power adequate to the purpose intended; powerful.

  60. Election: a free choice to be set apart in Christ by trusting in Christ alone for salvation; the power of choosing or selecting.

  61. Ecclesiastic: related to the body; to the church.

  62. Eschatology: the doctrine of end times.

  63. Eisegesis: interpreting text in such a way as to introduce one's own presuppositions, agendas or biases.

  64. Eternal Life: life that never ceases to end, immortality. Christ freely gives eternal life to all who trust in Christ alone for salvation.

  65. Eternally Secure: that one's eternal salvation can never be lost, forfeited, given back.

  66. Everlasting Life: life that is Lasting or enduring forever; eternal; existing or continuing without end.

  67. Evangelistic: the desire or attempts to preach the Gospel to the lost.

  68. Evangelists: specific individuals who preach the Gospel, planted local churches, and equip others to evangelize.

  69. Everlasting Life: a right relationship with God that will last forever.

  70. Exegesis: explanation of the text.

  71. Exhort: to encourage.

  72. Experience: a series of experiment trials

  73. Expiation: making a satisfaction for an offense; guilt done away with.

  74. Expiatory: Christ having the power to make forgiveness of sin.

  75. False Doctrine: false teaching that does not correctly interpret or agree with God's Word.

  76. Febble: weak

  77. Feigned: invented, devised, imagined

  78. Fellowship: to have a joyful relationship with mutual compatibility/friendship with someone.

  79. The Flesh: a synonym for the sin nature.

  80. Forbear: to stop or cease.

  81. Forgiveness: the divine releasing of the guilt of one's sins because of the Blood of Christ.

  82. Forsaken: abandoned, to leave

  83. Fret: to wear away

  84. Froward: perverse

  85. Glorification: saved from the PRESENT of sin when we leave this world.

  86. Glorified: to obtain a state of glory with God in Heaven that involves the absence of sin and the presence of righteousness.

  87. Gospel: the good news from God of Jesus Christ and salvation through Him.

  88. Grace: God's unmerited or undeserved favor or blessing because of Who God is and what Christ has done.

  89. Great White Throne Judgment: the last judgment of mankind where all unbelievers will be judged by God for their unbelief in Christ resulting in everyone being cast into the Lake of Fire.

  90. Hamartiology: the doctrine of sin.

  91. Haste: swiftly or quickly.

  92. Haughty: proud

  93. Hath: to have

  94. Heaven: a literal place of God's presence and total freedom from sin.

  95. Heavenly Places: a believer's new realm of spiritual existence.

  96. Heedlessness: careless

  97. Hell: a literal place of God's fiery judgment.

  98. Heresy: error in opinion related to doctrine.

  99. Heretic: repugnant views of the established faith in Christ alone.

  100. Hermeneutics: to understand the meaning of the text.

  101. Hireling: one who is hired

  102. Hither: toward

  103. Holy Spirit: the third person of the Triune Godhead whose ministries are important to every believer.

  104. Human Viewpoint: a perspective that is shaped by norms, standards, and philosophies of the world system

  105. Ignominy: disgrace

  106. Impenitent: not repent.

  107. Imprudence: no concern for consequence

  108. Impudence: shamelessness

  109. Impute: to set to the account of; to attribute; to ascribe; to reckon to one what does not belong to him.

  110. Imputing: an accounting term that describes the placing of a debt or asset to one's account

  111. In Adam: the unbeliever's position or identity as viewed by God.

  112. In Christ: the believer's new position or identity as viewed by God.

  113. Inadvertence: consequences because of negligent planning

  114. Infidel: an unbeliever.

  115. Iniquity: lawlessness; wickedness; an act of injustice.

  116. Inquisition: an examination.

  117. Intercessor: one who prays for another.

  118. Jesus Christ: the second person of the Triune Godhead who willingly became a man without sin to die for our sins, and be raised from the dead to save us.

  119. Judgment Seat of Christ: the time following the Rapture in which Jesus Christ will evaluate the believer's post-salvation life to determine whether or not each one will receive a reward.

  120. Justification: absolution or remission of sin. Faith in Christ alone delivers an individual from the penalty of sin (Hell).

    1. Justification: saved from the PENALTY of sin at salvation.

  121. Justified: to be declared righteous by God in His courtroom because of the FInished Redemptive Work of Jesus Christ.

  122. The Law: the law was given by God to Moses which includes the Ten Commandments

  123. Lasciviousness: lust, animal desires

  124. Lewdness: unlawful indulgence of sin

  125. Licentiousness: excessive indulgence of liberty

  126. Made: made out of something previous.

  127. Meddle: to take part.

  128. Meek: humbled.

  129. Meekness: humility; submission to divine will.

  130. Miscreant: infidel; one who embraces a false faith.

  131. Mortify: to abstain; to depress; to reduce or restrain.

  132. Neo-evangelism: individuals think they have a new gospel. (Galatians 1:6-9 KJV)

  133. New Nature: the nature received with the new birth which now has desires for the things of God.

  134. Nought: nothing; no degree; worthless.

  135. Obeisance: reverential respect; to fear and respect.

  136. Oblation: anything offered or presented in worship.

  137. Odious: hatred

  138. Oracles of God: the authoritative Word of God.

  139. Overcometh:

  140. Parable: to place beside; to compare; to view in comparison for teaching

  141. Parental Forgiveness: the specific forgiveness that God offers to His born-again children when they sin.

  142. Pastors: spiritual shepherds of God's flock who were to feed believers sound doctrine and oversee local churches.

  143. Patience: the suffering of afflictions, pain, toil, calamity, provocation or other evil, with a calm, unruffled temper; endurance without murmuring or fretfulness.

  144. Peace of God: the believer's state of inner tranquility when he casts his cares upon the Lord instead of carrying his own burdens.

  145. Peace with God: the changing from a relationship of hostility to harmony because of Jesus Christ.

  146. Penance: the suffering, labor or pain to which a person voluntarily subjects himself, or which is imposed on him by authority.

  147. Penitence: a grief or sorrow from sin.

  148. Penury: extreme poverty

  149. Perfected: to finish; to complete.

  150. Pernicious: destructive

  151. Piety: respect with love; affection and obedience in action.

  152. Pneumatology: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

  153. Position: a person's spiritual standing before God

  154. Positional Forgiveness: the spiritual forgiveness God offers the unsaved when they place their faith in Christ.

  155. Positional Sanctification: set apart by Christ’s redemptive work at the Cross of Calvary and forever secure in Christ.

  156. Powers: a term usually used for angelic beings of a high rank like principalities

  157. Practical Sanctification: (practice) daily application to be set apart to God from sin and the world in true holiness.

  158. Prayer: communicating with God either mentally or verbally.

  159. Predestined: to predetermine the believer's destiny in Christ, namely to be "glorified" (Roman 8:28-30).

  160. Preserved: to guard from loss or injury. A person is in possession of a salvation in which they will be eternally kept.

  161. Presumptuous: excess in confidence (II Peter 2:10)

  162. Priest: one who approaches God on a basis of sacrifice that has been made to atone for sin, and pleads with on behalf of man. Jesus Christ is our HIGH PRIEST.

  163. Principalities: a term usually used for angelic beings of a high rank.

  164. Prodigal son: the son in Luke 15 who rebelled against his father, wasted his life and inheritance by indulging in sin, but eventually came to the end of himself by returning to fellowship with his father. (always remained a son)

  165. Progressive Sanctification: (progress) daily application to be set apart to God from sin and the world in true holiness.

  166. Prophets: specific individuals who received direct revelation from God that was oftentimes predictive in nature.

  167. Propitiation: Christ death on the Cross, burial, and resurrection is a satisfied sacrifice for sin.

  168. Propitiatory: Christ is a satisfied sacrifice for sin; Christ has the power to make propitious.

  169. Propitious: gracious and merciful, ability to forgive sin; to make someone favorable.

  170. Providence: to care; superintendence which God exercises over creation.

  171. Prudent: wise

  172. Rapture: the future event when both believers in Christ who have already died and believers who are still alive are resurrected and caught up to meet the Lord in the air to return to Heaven.

  173. Rebuke: to reprimand, to chasten.

  174. Reckon: at account; to assign to an account.

  175. Recompense: to reward.

  176. Reconciled: to be brought into a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

  177. Reconciliation: brought back into favor or friendship.

  178. Redeem: to purchase out of a slave-market through the payment of a price.

  179. Redeem the Time: to buy out of time the opportunities God gives you to serve Him.

  180. Redemption: the purchase of God's favor by the death and sufferings of Christ; the ransom or deliverance of sinners from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God's violated law by the atonement of Christ.

  181. Redemptive: Christ completed the work, it is finished, the work is done for redemption.

  182. Refuge: a shelter.

  183. Remission: forgiveness of sin. Without the shedding of Jesus Christ precious Blood at the Cross of Calvary, there is no forgiveness of sin.

  184. Renew: regenerated (Ephesians 4:23 KJV).

  185. Repentance: a change of mind. An individual stops trusting in their rituals, sacraments, traditions, or works of men and trusts in the Finished Redemptive Work of Jesus Christ for salvation.

  186. Repent: a change of mind.

  187. Reproach: to suggest blame, to charge, contempt.

  188. Reprobate: to be disallowed; to be rejected; to be abandoned; lost to grace. (Jeremiah 6:30)

  189. Reproof: blame directed at a person.

  190. Reprove: to convict; to blame, to charge.

  191. Retrogress: to backslide in one's spiritual state

  192. Reveal: To disclose; to discover; to show; to make known something before unknown or concealed

  193. Revelation: (apocalypse) disclosure of that which was previously hidden or unknown.

  194. Revelatory: revealing something

  195. Reverence: fear mingled with respect and esteem.

  196. Rewards: the recompense from God for faithfulness in the earthly lives of believers which determines each one's place of future, eternal service for the Lord.

  197. Righteous: perfection or holiness. Faith in Christ alone allows every believer to receive the righteousness required for Heaven.

  198. Rigor: a stiffness or stearness.

  199. Saint: one who is set apart to God, thus a term for every believer since all believers are in the Holy One, Jesus Christ.

  200. Salvation: being delivered or rescued from some danger or peril to a state of safety or blessing.

  201. Sanctification: being saved from the POWER of sin in our lives as we yield to the POWER of the Holy Spirit.

  202. Sanctified: to be set apart unto God; to impart or impute sacredness.

  203. Saved: to be delivered or rescued from the penalty for sin, which is eternal separation from God in Hell.

  204. Scriptures: another term for the Bible which consists of sixty-six divinely inspired books.

  205. Servant: a slave; in subjection or subserviency; a bondservant. The saints are servants of God who are separated unto the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:1). The servants of sin have rejected the doctrine of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:17).

  206. Sin: the act, motive, word, or deed that is contrary to God's will and holy character

  207. Sin Nature: the naturally-born tendency or propensity to sin and rebel.

  208. Soteriology: the doctrine of salvation.

  209. Sound Doctrine: healthy scriptural teaching based on the Bible.

  210. Spiritual Blessings: the divine favors that have been bestowed upon every believer in Christ.

  211. Spiritual Growth: the process of spiritual maturation that should occur after on is born again.

  212. Spiritually Baptized: the believer is baptized or placed into union with Christ by the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation.

  213. Spiritually Dead: the unsaved are separated from God.

  214. Spoiler: a robber; one the corrupts. (Jeremiah 6:26)

  215. Stedfast: to be fixed; to be firm; to be non-wavering.

  216. Substitutionary Death: Christ died on our place and for our sins.

  217. Sundry: more than one or two, sometimes many (Hebrews 1:1)

  218. Supplication: to make an intense petition or request to God.

  219. Surety: certainty

  220. Thee: you

  221. Theology: the doctrine of God.

  222. Transgressor: a law breaker.

  223. Translate: to remove from one place to another.

  224. Therefore: for that reason

  225. Trials: tests designed or allowed by God for the believer's good and spiritual growth to refine his faith.

  226. Thou: you

  227. Unfeigned: to be sincere; to not counterfeit.

  228. Unregenerate: the spiritual condition of all believers who are without spiritual life in Christ.

  229. Upbraideth: disgraceful; to reproach, to reprove, to chide

  230. Vanity: emptiness

  231. Verse-by-Verse exposition: explaining the Bible verse-by-verse in its context in a systematic way.

  232. Vex: to plaque; to torment

  233. Virtue: bravery; valor; strength in the face of danger.

  234. Virtuous: morally good

  235. Voluntary: Christ made a free choice to become sin for all mankind.

  236. Walk: to conduct yourself step by step in a certain manner.

  237. Wantonness: negligent of restraint

  238. Well-beloved: greatly loved.

  239. Whither: which

  240. World: while it may refer to the earth or its inhabitants, it is often used in Scripture to describe the world system controlled by Satan.

  241. Wretch: a miserable person; worthless; sunk in a vice.


  1. Apocalypse: comes the Greek word “apokalupsis,” which means “revelation” or “disclosure.”

  2. Never: when you look up the word "never" in Strong's Concordance, you find that it comes from five different Greek words which are spelled in English: OU, ME, EIS, HO, and AION.

    1. The words OU and ME form a double negative meaning "Not at all, by no means, in no case, never."

    2. This double negative was used to state denials or prohibitions emphatically (Dana and Mantey, A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament, p. 266).

    3. The remaining three words combine to form an idiomatic expression meaning "forever" (The Englishman's Greek New 'Testament, p. 276).

    4. In the Greek, John 10:28 would read something like this: "And I give unto them eternal life and they shall not at all, by any means, male or female, in any case, forever perish."

  3. Repent: comes from the Greek word “metanoeo,” it means “to change your mind.”

  4. Repentance: comes from the Greek word “metanoia,” it means “to change your mind.”

    1. The word in the New Testament usually translated “repent” is the Greek word “metanoeo,” and the word translated “repentance” is “metanoia.” Both of these Greek words have the same basic meaning: “to change your mind; reconsider; or, to think differently.”

    2. If you look up “repent” or “repentance” in a modern dictionary you will read definitions like the following: “regret; to feel sorry for sin and seek forgiveness; to turn from sin.” Based on these definitions, preachers have been going about earnestly trying to get men to quit their sinning, or at least to work up a genuine sorrow for sin. But is this the divinely-appointed task of Christians -to get men to change their ways?

  5. Servant: comes from the Greek word is “doulos,” it means “slave.”

  6. Sin: comes from the Greek word is “hamartano,” it means “to miss the mark.”


  1. Millennium: comes from this expression, "a thousand years." It comes to us through the Latin mille = a thousand; annum = year.

  2. Rapture: comes from the Latin word “raptura,” it means “a carrying off, abduction, snatching away.”

    1. Some individuals say the word “rapture” is not in the Bible; however, the word is in the Bible when it is written in Latin.

  3. Religion: comes from the two Latin words make up our English word “religion,” “re” and “ligio,” it means to “bind back.”

    1. Religions are man’s effort to “bind” himself “back” to God or bring himself back into favor with God.

  4. Revelation: comes from the Latin word “revelatio,” it means a disclosure of that which was previously hidden or unknown.

    1. The English word “apocalypse” from the Greek word “apokalupsis,” which means “revelation” or “disclosure.”


  1. Christ: comes from the Hebrew word “mashiah,” it means “the anointed.”

  2. Jesus: the name Jesus comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew words “Jehovah Yasha” and means “the eternal, self-existent God who saves and keeps.”

    1. Those who believe Jesus is the Lord and trust Him to save them and keep them saved can KNOW they have ETERNAL LIFE. A person does not need to hope, thnk, guess, or pray for it. A person can KNOW they have ETERNAL LIFE.

  3. Messiah: comes from the Hebrew word “mashiah,” it means "the anointed" (of the Lord), from mashah "anoint."

Pastor Lance Edminster

The Good News Voice

FaceBook: The Good News Voice

YouTube: The Good News Voice

Once Saved, Always Saved -"And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one" (John 10:28-30 KJV).

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